Sunday, 14 June 2015

GeoQuest 2015

By Paul Gruber

Rugged up and still shivering from the dip in the Myall River earlier in the afternoon courtesy of a competency check, Team Dynamite stood on the lawn in front of the Hawks Nest Beach eagerly awaiting the course reveal. After being given the all clear, the captains from all competing teams swiftly pounced on the individual piles of maps laid out before them. A quick overview confirmed that the course was looking like a fast paced and an exciting loop, with a bit more paddling than normal. Having concentrated on improving our paddling over the past year we thought it was perfect...lets get back and mark them up. It also suited our line up for this race which included Sakkie Meyer, who flew over for us from across the ditch.

We arrived early on the beach the next morning, relieved to see that the dreary clouds and cold wind of Friday had cleared to reveal a spectacular sunrise ahead of a forecast mostly fine day. Kayaks began to fill the beach. What looked like a game of chess ensued, with teams moving up and down the beach to position themselves in the perfect spot to get an "easy" path through the breakers. During a short pre race briefing we learnt that the paddle would be slightly shorter due to the swell. From the beach there wasn't much sign of too many lumps, but we've seen that can easily change.

Leg 1 Ocean Kayak 12km
The countdown began as we stood with skis in hand on the edge of the water. Just as we left the beach, a set began to come through. Karina and Gus copped a pounding, but kept steadfast and were soon not far behind Sakkie and I. We dared not look behind us but knew some mayhem had been caused by the poorly timed waves. We were focused and in hot pursuit of the front teams. As we neared the point, the waves became more and more unpredictable, as they bounced off the nearby rocks. We continued on through the heads, but every time the waves seemed to die down, another few waves would hit us.

Leg 2 Trek 7km
We reached the shore in Shoal Bay in about fourth position and quickly transitioned to the trek. We began at a steady pace, trying to ensure we kept to our own speed on the trails to Fingal Bay. Shotz passed us heading up into the dunes, then Mountain Designs flew by as we ran into town along the beach.

Leg 3 Mountain bike rogaine/snorkel 18km
After marking up the optional CPs on the MTB rogaine map, we took off in pursuit. There were several options with the way the town was set out, but we ended up heading bush at the end of Farm Road, taking a gamble and heading along a "minor track" which turned out to be not bad and put us at CP C in front of both MD and Shotz who had left transition before us. We turned back and took another right hand turn to go to CP E arriving just before Shotz. At CP D we both caught MD and then proceeded as a group down the now slower paced sandy trails into CP6 to drop the bikes. We had decided to swim without flippers, opting to run and swim in bike shoes as we figured it would only be a short swim and wouldn't save us much time (if any). This worked well and we entered the small bay when the Peak Adventure crew were just getting wet. After swimming to the three CPs I got over excited following the other teams up the beach and back to the bikes before realising we had missed punching CP S5 at the beach end of the trail. By the time we ran back 100m, we'd lost contact with the lead groups.

Leg 4 Trek / raft 14km
Arriving at the transition we searched the car park to find our support crew had not arrived. With nothing else we could do we ate some food and watched up the road for them to come. It must have been 15 minutes before they arrived, but it gave us an incentive to trek  strongly on this one. This trek took us around some amazing rocky coastline and then across the Stockton Dunes (which would have been nice to spend more time in), before a long flat road run to our rafts. There was little time wasted finding CPs and a highlight was passing the infamous (not) Giant Peach, I am afraid it does look a little old and "weathered". Our raft worked well enough, but with two 6ft + guys at the back, we ended up taking on a little water on the two crossings. 

Leg 5 Kayak 13km
A quick transition to the skis put us out on the water in beautiful sunny conditions. We had to keep an eye out for oyster beds, but otherwise an uneventful but enjoyable leg and were ahead of our estimated schedule.

Leg 6 Trek 22km
I swore until we got to the CP that Gus was just pulling our leg that there wasn't canoes. My theory was he figured telling us we'd get wet again meant we wouldn't waste time changing into dry clothes. We got CP H at dusk and wow, that water was cold! I felt for the teams behind that would cross in the dark. The next section was frustrating for all teams it seems, given the majority of tracks shown were totally missing or overgrown. We overshot Log Wharf Fire Road (or where it was meant to be) and ended up walking with the Quality Nude Time boys up to CP O, before heading back down the main road to find Foleys Road and shooting a bearing in to the creek junction from the corner in the road. A long detour but gave us minimal fuss finding it in the end. We entered transition at about the same time as QNT but were longer in there before heading out on the skis.

Leg 7 Kayak 12km
This kayak included two stops to collect  a few of the trek CP's, it was the teams choice to collect these on the Trek or Kayak leg.I can't help but laugh about the guy at the first stop we took to get CP M and CP L. Two top quality camper trailers set up at a secluded Karuah River camp site must have seemed perfect! Until 100+ adventure racers began walking through the camp site ALL night. Not this guy... It seemed he was excited about it. Perhaps this changed later in the night, but based on his enthusiasm, he must have been keen to tell as many people about his trailers as he could. I'm not sure if he chewed the ears off every team as they landed while standing there in his undies or it  was just special for us? The next river stop to get CP I, was also at a camp site. A short distance away sounded like a massive party. No need for a compass bearing descending the hill, just follow your ear for the yelling and singing from the campers having a really good time.
Leg 8 Mountain bike 56km
We started this leg on fast flat roads feeling good but looking forward to some upcoming hills. Sakkie had dropped to the back as we approached the first of the smaller tracks. We all heard a large crack from behind and instantly knew it was something bad. His seat post had cracked at the very top where the seat joints to the seat post leaving the seat on the ground. Lucky no potentially nasty injury inflicted, but a serious engineering problem to solve to get him going again. A short discussion followed and then some tape wrapped around the stub of the seat allowed us to slot it into the frame.... and voila! A BMX bike! The new bike didn't make uphills easy for the rest of the ride, but at least kept us moving forwards. Some rough and muddy tracks on this section involving hike a bike for what seemed like a few hours took us to some more reasonable roads.  Neverest passed us as the sun rose just before the flowing downhill and we rode into the transition at 7:30 just behind them. 

Leg 9 Trek rogaine 10km
Heading out, we walked past CBD and Shotz returning after an epic time. We got the first point easy enough, but our walking had slowed and then we struggled a little with CP U. Our interpretation of the alteration had us looking further west of the marked point (not east as was explained to us later). A good point to note to confirm alterations like this to make sure you have interpreted them correctly. Eventually we stumbled upon it and then proceeded up the track and then climbed the "wall" up to CP W. We felt pretty stuffed walking back into transition, but were thankful we weren't heading out on the rogaine like many teams.
Leg 10 Mountain bike 25km
Taking our time climbing the short uphill we found that Sakkie's BMX bike was great at downhills, he was loving the decents and working the legs hard out of the saddle for the small short inclines. A straight forward leg meant we were rolling into town ready to jump on the water, but figuring there would be a team hunting us down. 

Leg 11 Kayak 24km
We took off on the Myall River knowing a team (Neverest) was close behind. We headed down river but I began feeling decidedly drowsy and inefficient. The remedy was in the form of some no doze and Sakkie talking crap to me for 10km. It certainly got me going and Sakkie has lots of race stories to draw upon. We managed a reasonable pace after that, aside for some short desperate wee stops.

Leg 12 Mountain bike 21km

Kelvin had raided our rental house on the way through town and found that the 
kids mountain bikes stuffed around the side of the house had a seat pole the right size to fit in Sakkies frame. Fat and comfy was the style, but it worked well all the same to get us home. It was a train heading into town at full steam ahead! We were racing to get to the finish ahead of Neverest who landed on shore just before we left on the bikes. But with our speed, we knew they had no chance in catching us. Across the line in 
33:41 and fifth place. An awesome result 
given our potentially race stopping bike issue 
and suspect injuries/issues going into the race.

Thanks to Kelvin and Sue for being a great support crew and keeping us going, Hydralyte, Resicon, Kwik Kopy Braeside and Huff N Puff Paddling, and of course our families for again letting us go away (and train) for our adventures. Also a shout out to Ben at Errol St Physio North Melbourne for getting me to the start line (once again).

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Adventure Junkie Lysterfield Sprint Race

After a short spell after GODZone, the team goal was to rebuild for Geoquest in June. The Adventure Junkie Sprint race at Lysterfield was an ideal hit out and was primarily entered as a training session. AJs race calender for 2015 has been cut down significantly this year due to the arrival of a new family member, and perhaps as a result the race had a large number of teams (53) which was great to see. This made for some awesome close racing. Gus and Karina had teamed up and entered early, however I made a last minute decision (two days before) to enter with Bruce who was just coming good after broken ribs sustained at GODZone.

I was really impressed with the event and as always had a great time. This mainly was a result of two factors that Serge and Maria continually are able to deliver at this location at Lysterfield: 
- Great courses with a good mix of hills, single track and fire trail
- Some good opportunity for alternative course choices along the way to get a small edge on your competitors

The first leg was able to split the field with checkpoints to be collected in any order (also in either a clockwise or anticlockwise direction), but also created some opportunity to make good or not-so-good route choices. We made some good route choices, but were slow on some of the hills and came out from the bush in about fourth place (I think).

The MTB was great fun. Some quite technical sections to ride down (and up) and a large ditch to push/pull/throw the bikes across made for some laughs. We managed to bridge the gap to two teams in front of us reasonably early on and spent the rest of the ride tussling for position with them. We got to the kayak/run transition in 3rd place.

We threw on PFDs and jumped in the nearest kayak. After about 50m we veered sharply to the left. "What's going on back there Bruce" I snapped. "Are you steering or am I?" I think was his reply. In our haste we failed to adjust the foot pedals which were set up around Bruces waist, making it near impossible for him to steer. After some cursing and what seemed to be a long time adjusting out in the deep water we got back underway, but had now lost quite a bit of time and had slipped back at least 1 place (at that point). We took off in pursuit, and began making distance back little by little. 

Back on solid ground we took off in search of two checkpoints on foot. Bruce struggled to get his legs working on this one, probably not helped by a small nav mistake I made leading us to climb through some blackberries and cross a stagnant smelly creek (which would have been nice to avoid). 

The next MTB leg took us across the Lysterfield lake dam and onto another nice bit of single track before some high speed trails. Karina and Gus had passed us on the kayak / run section, doing the run first then the kayak in the super fast XT. We hit the start/finish area and got the advanced course MTB map and were off in pursuit!

We spent much of this section chasing but not catching the teams in front of us. There was again a few route choice options on this leg but nothing that gave enough of an edge to reach them with the speed we had. Gus and Karina had a good tussle with the 2nd and 3rd teams and ended up a few seconds behind 3rd. This meant they took out the mixed category, but  I'm sure Gus was disappointed not to pass them. Bruce and I ended up 4th in the male category, which given his enforced rest he was coming out of we were pretty pleased with.


Pics by Leigh Paulsen

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

GODZone 2015

Lake Wanaka GODZone Adventure Race provided our team with many challenges both pre race and during. It is fair to say the the logistics didn’t go to plan and unfortunately the race wasn't too dissimilar, having more downs than ups! 

Mid 2014, we looked at our upcoming options and agreed New Zealand would be the ultimate for an Adventure Race and now was a great time to jump straight in the deep end and enter a race which is known to be one of the toughest Expedition Races on the World Championship circuit.

As we descended into Queenstown we were all blown away by the size and steepness of the endless number of huge mountains which surrounded us. It is fair to say that 4th Hill in our home town of Warrandyte and even One Tree Hill in the Dandenongs were like ant hills compared to what we were about to climb. But we were all excited, so "bring it on!"

We had arrived in Wanaka four days prior to the race and had shipped a large amount of gear several weeks earlier with the expectation of it being at our accommodation when we arrived. Although being told it should only take 3 days by the shipping company, we allowed almost 3 weeks. Unfortunately even before arriving in NZ it became clear that this was not going to be quite so straight forward and we found ourselves in Wanaka and our gear still stuck at the other end of the country in Auckland. We had put a great deal of trust in our Australian contact and the NZ shipping contracted company (and spending almost 2 days straight on the phone) that we were able to get it through customs. It is fair to say the stress levels were high all week and not an ideal lead up to what lay ahead. In the end our gear made it to Queenstown on the last flight of the day on Thursday evening and Paul and Bruce made it back 5 min before the compulsory race briefing with the boxes. We had been offered lots of gear by NZ teams, via Facebook and local shops if things didn’t work out, but we were so glad to have got the gear in the end.

We sorted gear and packed boxes on Friday with just a few details of the intended disciplines and distances provided, but found the size and weight restrictions on our gear boxes meant we couldn’t pack what we wanted. We ended up deciding to pack wetsuits for the first white water paddle (given we were expecting to possibly tip out into glacial cold water) and ditching some of the food we’d planned (which in the end turned out to be a poor choice).

We woke before 3 am Saturday to board buses and head to a scheduled stop where we had a short amount of time to get the maps and mark them up. We had two massive hikes (one which included traversing a glacier) and 2 white water canoe legs to tackle before sitting comfortably on our saddles. It was clear that we wouldn’t venture onto our mountain bikes until probably day 2-3. Not ideal but we were happy that the two ride legs were massive rides, being 130-150km each.

Our first trek was 22km of mountaineering up to and across the Brewster Glacier. This trek wasn’t great in that a couple of us suffered a little on the vertical ascent. Karina had never been at altitude before or in freezing conditions so became a little anxious as soon as we became exposed. Bruce wasn’t feeling great and to top that off we managed to drop some crampons on the way up during one of many a falls on the loose rocks. This meant we had to double back some distance to try to find them. This dropped us further down the field which was pretty demoralising. We were then to discover that the wind and rainy conditions had resulted in the cancelling of the glacier section. We contoured around the mountain until we hit another ridge a few hours later and were then able to start descending which allowed us to finally move a little faster. The descent was like walking down a ski run in the off season and was strewn with rocks, holes, tussock grass and low tough alpine shrubs. As we descended further it was more like a mossy water slide going down, we spent that much time slipping over and sliding on our bums, we were grateful for having waterproof pants on as this made the sliding so much easier, though Bruce ended up with a huge hole in his bum having caught himself on a branch. After some quite hairy steep downhill sections and then being stopped several times by a few sheer cliffs we finally navigated through the opening between two cliffs, which shot us out onto a riverside track and into the wet miserable transition where we could prepare for the White Water Canoe leg.

Stage 2 was 22km paddling white water down the fast rising Makarora River which was lots of fun. We definitely weren’t moving at any great speed as Bruce and Paul's double must have had a hole it in or something as they were paddling  their arms off and going no where fast.  We hit transition near dusk, and headed out on our next mammoth 56km alpine trek over the Albert Burn Saddle into the East Matukituki River area.

This trek began with several river crossings and after walking up and down trying to find a safe spot to cross we finally made it to the raft transfer point and onto the walking track. It was now 12 hours into the race and getting dark and we could see lights in front and behind for most of the night and 'back and forthed' with a number of teams. Arriving at the start of the Albert Burn track we crossed the river as directed, but shortly after the river tuned gorge like and we noticed other teams going back and forth all over the area. There appeared to be some very unusual routes being taken which made us think the river was not cross-able up ahead. With the other options looking too dangerous with teams scrambling over large rocks and wading in the rapids we then headed across and up along the marked track. As expected we ended up needing to cross the river again, but the fast flowing rapids at the marked spot were looking decidedly unpleasant and all the teams we saw were backtracking to scramble the other side of the river. We ended up deciding here at 3am that rather than spending possibly 2 hrs doubling back, we would bank some early sleep and get up at first light when hopefully the river had dropped and cross it. We planned to sleep 2hrs, but due to none of us waking to our alarm, this turned into 3hrs, but it was still dark so all good. We headed upstream as dawn broke and found a spot that we would try and cross.  We didn’t camp out and bank some sleep to then have to double back, so although the river was still looking quite angry, we were determined to cross. Linking arms and taking one small step at a time we safely made it to the other side. Day 2 was starting well with high 5’s all around!

We now had many km of following the river bank upstream before we hit some mountains again. We weren’t moving very fast here and could only manage walking pace. We crossed the river many times before starting to really climb upwards. There were some quite technical sections as we climbed where you had to hang on to tree roots and small foot holds made all the more difficult by the few hundred feet that had already been through. We had by now realised that this trek would take A LOT longer than anticipated and began to ration what we had left. Thankfully water was everywhere so hydration definitely wasn’t an issue. The walking track was very up and down, the heat of the day was with us now and we were feeling the effects of the combo of hills, heat and limited food supplies. It was along this track that Bruce took a big tumble on some tree roots and landed on his ribs, . He bounced up pretty quickly and powered on, however a bit later the effects of this fall started to cause bigger issues. At the end of this marked track the teams near us all took slightly different routes. We decided to go up high and over the cliffs. This included crawling along on our hands and knees to reach the top of some pinches and then sliding back down the other side on our bums. We probably went a little high and took a bit longer than those who went a more direct route, but  a plus side was we were able to find  lots of tiny snow berries growing on the ground that allowed us to delay raiding our now meager food rations a little longer. Paul was a big fan and devoured every berry he found, which may explain his speed later in the day. On our next upward climb beside a spectacular waterfall, we had to negotiate needle sharp Spaniard grass which pierced skin through even the thickest of clothing.

The rain set in more as we then hiked along river beds with sheer cliffs and cloud covered mountain peaks now towering over us from both sides. It was here that Bruce’s ribs started causing him more grief, so after some drugs and some pack reshuffling we started heading up the climb to the Whare Kea Chalet and our checkpoint. This again involved more hands and knees crawling for some and grabbing onto chucks of grass to pull yourself up. It now became evident that to get to the saddle and chalet we were going to have to climb up high, very high, in fact right to the peak of the mountain ahead.

It was on this ascent that Karina had a moment where she didn’t feel comfortable with the climb and after taking a bit of a slide down the hill, had to admit to the boys that yes “I was scared” and probably needed a bit of help and guidance. The scree slopes that soon surrounded us to Karina looked like slippery rock, so with Gus now having my pack and the boys showing her how safe the scree actually was and that it wasn’t too slippery, we headed to the top of the mountain, then down to the saddle and up to the chalet. It didn’t end up being the best of navigational choices, but plenty of other teams had also ventured up there (including Seagate which didn’t make Paul feel too bad).

We had visioned all day that the Whare Kea Chalet would be a basic mountain hut with a warm fire where we could warm up. The plan was to have some spag bol and get warm. As it turned out the chalet is a $2000 a night boutique apartment and there was no way they were letting any of us wet and muddy racers anywhere near the door! With light fading fast we pushed downwards while eating our much anticipated (but juicy cold uncooked 2 minute noodle style) spag bol. This descent wasn’t much fun, and delivered a burnt out area which was covered in big scratchy branches that caught on our packs and clothes and resulted in several falls in steep and cliffy terrain. We eventually found the path, which resembled more of a muddy, slippery, knee twisting slide. So we slipped and fell our way down this path at a pretty slow pace and seemed to take hours to reach the river. As we were descending, we could hear more and more clearly that the river was raging below us. It was here we were introduced to the New Zealand walking bridge which consisted of 3 wire cables with no netting or safety rope. The river below looked so wild and angry and sounded incredible. This turned out to actually be quite fun, and was a little bit of excitement to wake us up in the middle of the night. The track from here was reasonably flat, but was on the side of the river bank and at times it very slow and technical as it was quite eroded and lots of tree roots to negotiate. We stopped along this track several times to eat and fix feet. Progress here was slow and this track seemed to go forever. Bruce was looking very tired but we just wanted to make transition so pushed on. After passing several teams sleeping along the track we eventually arrived at transition just before dawn.

The team plan at this transition was to let Bruce have a quick sleep, while the other 3 of us prepared everything for the whitewater leg. It wasn’t long before first light, so we let him have 40mins sleep  in the inflatable raft before waking him to continue on our way. This white water canoe was 34km on the Matukituki River. The white water wasn’t as big as what we had imagined and made us think that maybe we should have tackled this at night, even floating down. About here the sleep monsters kicked in for Karina, but after a few no-doz she was back in action. We powered down this river passing two teams and finishing strongly into transition. It was a nice warm day and spirits were good as we deflated the rafts and set off on the coasteering/swim leg.

A little bit of a walk/trot out to the section of coastline we had to traverse, where we all packed our gear up into our dry bags. There wasn’t much rock jumping on this part, it was mainly swimming around the coast and walking in ankle deep water before arriving at the CP. It was now late afternoon, but the water was freezing and the swimming much longer than we’d anticipated. Due to our gear box for this leg not fitting much in it, Karina was the only one who had a wetsuit on and she was cold in that. The boys were all shaking at the CP, so after a bit of a dummy spit from Gus and a harden up pep talk from Karina, she grabbed Bruce and Gus’s dry bags tied them to her own and hit the water again. Slowly but surely we arrived on land again, where we had a quick run to transition to warm up and onto our bikes, yippee!!!

We had quite a slow transition, as we all needed to get our body temperatures back to normal. The wind kicked up as we headed out on the bikes towards Wanaka to collect our next maps. It was on this 20km ride into Wanaka that it became clear to all of us that Bruce’s condition wasn’t that great, as he is usually a very strong rider and he definitely wasn’t himself. We realised Bruce's ribs were causing him more grief than we appreciated. We soldiered on arriving in Wanaka at dusk as the sky darkened and the heavens opened.

After a quick interview,  and then Bruce having a chat with the medical team, we marked up most of the maps for the 2nd half of our GODZone Adventure. We were all struggling a bit with sleep at this point and marking up the maps took some time to comprehend. It was here that Bruce voiced his thoughts about not continuing the race. After some discussion it was decided that we would head into town and get some food and then discuss it further. After some damn good burgers in Wanaka, Bruce let us all know that the end of the race for him had arrived. All now feeling unsure of what this meant for the team, we headed back to headquarters to see what our options were.

As we came here as a team of 4, our main goal was to finish as a team of 4, so once this reality was taken from us, not all of us were keen to continue on racing as a team of 3 so a lengthy discussion ensued. You can continue on and just be unranked, but it did mean kayaking wouldn’t be straight forward, so our other options were to team up with another team who had lost a member or just do part of the course in our own time. We spoke to the organisers and they suggested maybe doing the next mtb and kayak legs, as they were very scenic. They also suggested as we now had plenty of time on our side going back to our accommodation and getting some sleep and continuing on the following morning. This seemed like a logical answer, so we headed to our apartment. On waking the next day, our team focus had definitely changed. We’d lost our mojo and we all seemed quite dejected and it wasn’t until just after lunch that we decided if we were going to do it there was no better time than now to get out there and smash it out on the bikes.

Our new “relaxed” approach, was aiming to ride well, but camp out in a cabin and get some sleep, stop for longer to eat, etc. We decided that as we were now quite a way behind (as we did stop for 16hrs) we were no longer racing. This mtb ride was 137km across the Criffel and Pisa Ranges and 2600 m of ascent. The plan of crusing didn’t last long, as we are all mountain bikers, so once we got into the groove on our bikes, we couldn’t help but ride fast and after passing a few teams our normal competitive spirit kicked in and we went even faster. The three of us all enjoyed the ride, Paul navigated it really well through the night and the team moral was back. There was more "hike a bike" than expected, however these sections didn't drag on too much for us. We were going to stop at a cabin and sleep but we were all feeling good and the cabin had many other teams sleeping in it, so we stopped on the side of the track for a few laughs, some yummy dehydrated roast lamb and vegetables and a hot drink, before pushing on into the early hours of the morning . It was half way through this ride that we decided to dig a bit deeper when we started passing teams that were doing maps when Bruce pulled out (effectively having a 20hr head start on us).

After many more hours of riding, we hit what we called the “contour road”. This one should have just contoured around the side of the mountain, however in reality it went up and down, up and down and continued to do this for uncountable kilometres. We would drop 200m vertical, then climb it, then drop, then climb, we bumped into a couple of teams along this stretch and although we were moving quite fast they were hot on our heels. Our competitive spirit was at an all time high was we pushed on, with Gus helping Karina out by towing her as they pushed bikes on foot up the hills. Eventually we started the descent down to the Kawarau River. This was fun riding, sliding our way down the grass out of the deer farm. Now we just had the long 39km stretch of flat, with a few sharp pinches on a rail trail like track to go. It was here that the sleep monsters well and truly kicked in for Karina. After a few no-doz she didn’t seem to be waking up at all. She said she felt like a zombie on a bike, but her legs actually felt ok so  kept pushing just hoping that she wouldn’t fall asleep. This part of the ride seemed to go forever. The view of Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu as we came into transition was amazing, but she was in no state to appreciate it.

On approaching the transition, she had been promised a sleep by the boys. We had been on our bikes for 22hrs at a very fast pace and she was officially smashed. She curled up in a ball, sleeping within 1 min of arriving at this transition. It was here she could hear officials talking around her and about her, talking about keeping an eye on her, is she ok? "I really wanted to acknowledge them but I no energy left for that" she said later. After a 2 hour sleep and then some much needed food that the boys made me, we moved onto the kayak leg. Karina was still in a bad way after the bike leg and her energy levels were very low. She couldn’t really think straight but soldiered on hoping that she would kick back in gear once on the water.

Once kayaking, the boys helped her along by going at a very conservative pace, to try and get her back to normal. We found the couple of checkpoints on the way and Karina eventually woke up and started feeling better. Gus rated her at a generous 50% efficient on this leg, as even when she did wake up, she was still lacking with energy levels. Along this leg we had a few cheers from Bruce, who had hired himself a car and drove past us while we were kayaking to Kingston at the southern end of Lake Wakatipu. The conditions went from dead flat, to a side wind, then some downwind paddling and back to flat on sunset. It is amazing how weather conditions change in NZ.  Makes Melbourne weather look stable!

Arriving at this transition there were mixed feelings.  Gus and Karina had considered this was our new finish line, as when Bruce had pulled out, our team plan was to do the mtb and kayak and then pull out. But Paul had enjoyed the last two stages and was still keen to keep going to the end. At this time Karina's energy was low and the fact that we had already stopped for so long and had a new game plan that we had just accomplished was fresh in her mind. If we were to continue, we had a compulsory 6hr stop here. As a team we decided to go with the plan, pull out here and head back to Lake Wanaka with Bruce.

Our GODZone Adventure wasn’t exactly what we had imagined. Although we did have an epic journey and went to some amazing places we won't ever forget, we had come expecting it to end differently and as a minimum to complete the whole course together. We've been doing this long enough to know nothing is guaranteed though in this sport. There were plenty of highs and lows and once again we all learnt so much about ourselves and each other on this team journey. One of the hot topics after the race was just how tough many of the New Zealand teams were and how fast they moved on the trekking stages, across very uneven ground. We really needed more specific training moving up, down and around in the cold, wet and tussock filled Alpine region, to help us be ready for the length of the climbs, the altitude, the freezing conditions and the exposure of being on top of a mountain with no where to hide.

Two valuable lessons we also learnt were not race related. In future we will make sure we travel WITH all our gear. We wasted a lot of nervous energy with the dramas we had would have had much greater control over getting our gear at the airport. We will also NOT wear our Dynamite T-shirts through customs. We were called in for two explosives searches in a row on our way through with some rather serious looking officers!

Thanks to Hydralyte, Kwik Kopy Braeside, Resicon and Microimage for the support to help us get there. Especially big thanks goes to our families who continue to support us each time we embark on these adventures even though they know it means we'll be away for extended periods training and racing.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Beg, Borrow, Buy

At a time when we should be fine tuning the last of our race gear choices, we are faced with a race breaking problem. Three of our gear boxes which we sent from Australia over two weeks ago have not arrived due to delays in customs. We had been holding on to the possibility that it cleared customs yesterday afternoon and would get to us today however, after getting the run around we are realizing that there is a high possibility (or perhaps almost guarantee) that they won't show before the race start.

We made a list of the gear we are missing last's really quite extensive.  We spoke to a few teams yesterday afternoon who have suggested they may be able to help with some gear and one of the shops have offered use of some old mountaineering gear. We are up early this morning to see what of the list we can try to beg,borrow or buy! Wish us luck, our goal has now turned from racing fast to just being able to race.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Crossing the Ditch

Some 8 months ago a plan was hatched over a Pot and a Parma at the local Warrandyte Pub. GODZone was to be the next big race for Team Dynamite Adventure to take on.  

It seemed a logical choice. Amazing scenery, tough and challenging course and the guarantee of mighty competition from the Kiwi teams. Training began later that week!

The race is now just two weeks away and the team are all pumped and excited for the New Zealand adventure!!!
With race headquarters based in Wanaka, we are looking forward to the 500+ km we will cover on the massive mountains, glaciers, white water, lakes and as always smashing it out on our mountain bikes!

About GODZone

"As an adventure racing location, you couldn't ask for much more than the Lake Wanaka region. It's a destination that really promotes the outdoor lifestyle, has unbelievably good access to a whole host of adventurous activities and enjoys a thriving sporting community."
This is how the race director described the location and we think it reminds us (perhaps on a slightly smaller scale) of our home town of Warrandyte. The 2015 Godzone adventure race will run from February 28 to March 7, with teams of four racing non stop over seven days in and around the Lake Wanaka region. Teams will race day and night, forgoing sleep as much as possible in order to get them to the finish line first. We expect approximately 8hrs of shuteye (notice I'm not calling it sleep) over the 5-6 days we expect to complete the course in.

The main disciplines including navigation while Trekking, Mountain biking and Kayaking will be there as expected, however we will also be Canoeing/packrafting, Mountaineering on fixed ropes, swimming and who knows what else! 

We are hoping we have done enough training to give this race a good crack after placing well at XPD in 2013 (5th), Geoquest in 2014 (6th) and numerous solid performances in local events.
Expedition adventure racing isn't a great spectator sport. We will often spend 24-48 hrs on the one leg in extremely remote areas and then spend as little as 5-10 min at the next transition before heading out again. In recent years, satellite tracking and online social media has brought the racing excitement through to family and friends back home. It allows them to follow where they are at any point on the course and receive live updates 24/7 from the media and race directors. We'd highly recommend "dot watching" us on your computer from home, though we will warn you it's addictive.  We will publish the live link closer to the race start, but you'll be able to get there via  

We think the pictures from previous GODZone editions above shows that it was an easy decision to put this race on our bucket list and we can't wait for the fun to begin.


Thursday, 12 February 2015


Dynamite are excited to welcome Hydralyte as a sponsor. Hydralyte has always been a big part of our nutrition plan and has brought us back from some dark places while racing and training. We love it!!! 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Great Ocean Paddle

The team spent last Saturday paddling 26km from Torquay to Angelsea in the Great Ocean Paddle. The conditions proved to be testing with the wind starting in the North but then as the race went on it moved from NW to WNW trying to blow us backwards and offshore. Wind speed averaged 29kmh with gusts between 46 and 57 Kmh. In sailors terms 15-18 knots with gusts up to 26-31 knots.  It was great Godzone training requiring us to suck it up and tough it out.

Gus and Karina also managed to take out the Doubles mixed class. Well done guys!