Lake Wanaka GODZone Adventure Race provided our team with
many challenges both pre race and during. It is fair to say the the logistics didn’t go to plan and unfortunately the race wasn't too dissimilar, having more downs than ups!
Mid 2014, we looked at our upcoming options and agreed New Zealand would be the ultimate for an Adventure Race and now was a great time to jump straight in the deep end and enter a race which is known to be one of the toughest Expedition Races on the World Championship circuit.
Mid 2014, we looked at our upcoming options and agreed New Zealand would be the ultimate for an Adventure Race and now was a great time to jump straight in the deep end and enter a race which is known to be one of the toughest Expedition Races on the World Championship circuit.

We had arrived in Wanaka four days prior to the race and had shipped a
large amount of gear several weeks earlier with the expectation of it being at
our accommodation when we arrived. Although being told it should only take 3
days by the shipping company, we allowed almost 3 weeks. Unfortunately even before arriving in NZ it
became clear that this was not going to be quite so straight forward and we found ourselves
in Wanaka and our gear still stuck at the other end of the country in Auckland. We had put a great deal of trust in our Australian
contact and the NZ shipping contracted company (and spending almost 2 days
straight on the phone) that we were able to get it through customs. It is fair
to say the stress levels were high all week and not an ideal lead up to what
lay ahead. In the end our gear made it to Queenstown on the last flight of the
day on Thursday evening and Paul and Bruce made it back 5 min before the
compulsory race briefing with the boxes. We had been offered lots of gear by NZ
teams, via Facebook and local shops if things didn’t work out, but we were so
glad to have got the gear in the end.

Stage 2 was 22km paddling white water down the fast rising Makarora
River which was lots of fun. We definitely weren’t moving at any great speed as
Bruce and Paul's double must have had a hole it in or something as they were
paddling their arms off and going no
where fast. We hit transition near dusk,
and headed out on our next mammoth 56km alpine trek over the Albert Burn Saddle
into the East Matukituki River area.
This trek began with several river crossings and after walking
up and down trying to find a safe spot to cross we finally made it to the raft transfer point and onto the
walking track. It was now 12 hours into the race and getting dark and we could see lights in front and behind for
most of the night and 'back and forthed' with a number of teams. Arriving at the start of the
Albert Burn track we crossed the river as directed, but shortly after the river tuned
gorge like and we noticed other teams going back and forth all over the area.
There appeared to be some very unusual routes being taken which made us think
the river was not cross-able up ahead. With the other options looking too dangerous
with teams scrambling over large rocks and wading in the rapids we then headed across
and up along the marked track. As expected we ended up needing to cross the
river again, but the fast flowing rapids at the marked spot were looking decidedly
unpleasant and all the teams we saw were backtracking to scramble the other
side of the river. We ended up deciding here at 3am that rather than spending possibly
2 hrs doubling back, we would bank some early sleep and get up at first light
when hopefully the river had dropped and cross it. We planned to sleep 2hrs,
but due to none of us waking to our alarm, this turned into 3hrs, but it was
still dark so all good. We headed upstream as dawn broke and found a spot that we would try
and cross. We didn’t camp out and bank some sleep to then have to double back, so although the river was still looking quite angry, we were determined to cross. Linking arms and taking one small step at a time we safely made it to the
other side. Day 2 was starting well with high 5’s all around!

It was on this ascent that Karina had a moment where she didn’t
feel comfortable with the climb and after taking a bit of a slide down the
hill, had to admit to the boys that yes “I was scared” and probably needed a
bit of help and guidance. The scree slopes that soon surrounded us to Karina looked
like slippery rock, so with Gus now having my pack and the boys showing her how
safe the scree actually was and that it wasn’t too slippery, we headed to the
top of the mountain, then down to the saddle and up to the chalet. It didn’t
end up being the best of navigational choices, but plenty of other teams had
also ventured up there (including Seagate which didn’t make Paul feel too bad).
We had visioned all day that the Whare Kea Chalet would be a
basic mountain hut with a warm fire where we could warm up. The plan was to
have some spag bol and get warm. As it turned out the chalet is a $2000 a night
boutique apartment and there was no way they were letting any of us wet and
muddy racers anywhere near the door! With light fading fast we pushed downwards
while eating our much anticipated (but juicy cold uncooked 2 minute noodle style) spag bol. This descent wasn’t much fun, and delivered
a burnt out area which was covered in big scratchy branches that caught on our
packs and clothes and resulted in several falls in steep and cliffy terrain. We
eventually found the path, which resembled more of a muddy, slippery, knee
twisting slide. So we slipped and fell our way down this path at a pretty slow
pace and seemed to take hours to reach the river. As we were descending, we
could hear more and more clearly that the river was raging below us. It was
here we were introduced to the New Zealand walking bridge which consisted of 3 wire
cables with no netting or safety rope. The river below looked so wild and angry and sounded incredible. This turned out to actually be quite fun, and was a little
bit of excitement to wake us up in the middle of the night. The track from here
was reasonably flat, but was on the side of the river bank and at times it very
slow and technical as it was quite eroded and lots of tree roots to negotiate. We
stopped along this track several times to eat and fix feet. Progress here was
slow and this track seemed to go forever. Bruce was looking very tired but we just wanted to make transition so pushed on. After passing several teams sleeping along the track we eventually arrived at transition just before dawn.

We had quite a slow transition, as we all needed to get our
body temperatures back to normal. The wind kicked up as we headed out on the
bikes towards Wanaka to collect our next maps. It was on this 20km ride into
Wanaka that it became clear to all of us that Bruce’s condition wasn’t that
great, as he is usually a very strong rider and he definitely wasn’t himself. We realised Bruce's
ribs were causing him more grief than we appreciated. We soldiered on arriving in Wanaka at
dusk as the sky darkened and the heavens opened.
After a quick interview, and then Bruce having a chat with the
medical team, we marked up most of the maps for the 2nd half of our GODZone
Adventure. We were all struggling a bit with sleep at this point and marking up
the maps took some time to comprehend. It was here that Bruce voiced his
thoughts about not continuing the race. After some discussion it was decided
that we would head into town and get some food and then discuss it further.
After some damn good burgers in Wanaka, Bruce let us all know that the end of
the race for him had arrived. All now feeling unsure of what this meant for the
team, we headed back to headquarters to see what our options were.
As we came here as a team of 4, our main goal was to finish
as a team of 4, so once this reality was taken from us, not all of us were keen
to continue on racing as a team of 3 so a lengthy discussion ensued. You can
continue on and just be unranked, but it did mean kayaking wouldn’t be straight
forward, so our other options were to team up with another team who had lost a
member or just do part of the course in our own time. We spoke to the
organisers and they suggested maybe doing the next mtb and kayak legs, as they
were very scenic. They also suggested as we now had plenty of time on our side
going back to our accommodation and getting some sleep and continuing on the
following morning. This seemed like a logical answer, so we headed to our
apartment. On waking the next day, our team focus had definitely changed. We’d
lost our mojo and we all seemed quite dejected and it wasn’t until just after
lunch that we decided if we were going to do it there was no better time than
now to get out there and smash it out on the bikes.
Our new “relaxed” approach, was aiming to ride well, but
camp out in a cabin and get some sleep, stop for longer to eat, etc. We decided
that as we were now quite a way behind (as we did stop for 16hrs) we were no
longer racing. This mtb ride was 137km across the Criffel and Pisa Ranges and 2600 m of ascent. The
plan of crusing didn’t last long, as we are all mountain bikers, so once we got
into the groove on our bikes, we couldn’t help but ride fast and after passing
a few teams our normal competitive spirit kicked in and we went even faster. The
three of us all enjoyed the ride, Paul navigated it really well through the
night and the team moral was back. There was more "hike a bike" than expected, however these sections didn't drag on too much for us. We were going to stop at a cabin and sleep
but we were all feeling good and the cabin had many other teams sleeping in it,
so we stopped on the side of the track for a few laughs, some yummy dehydrated
roast lamb and vegetables and a hot drink, before pushing on into the early hours of the morning . It was
half way through this ride that we decided to dig a bit deeper when we started
passing teams that were doing maps when Bruce pulled out (effectively having a
20hr head start on us).
After many more hours of riding, we hit what we called the “contour
road”. This one should have just contoured around the side of the mountain, however
in reality it went up and down, up and down and continued to do this for
uncountable kilometres. We would drop 200m vertical, then climb it, then drop,
then climb, we bumped into a couple of teams along this stretch and although we
were moving quite fast they were hot on our heels. Our competitive spirit was
at an all time high was we pushed on, with Gus helping Karina out by towing
her as they pushed bikes on foot up the hills. Eventually we started the descent down to the
Kawarau River. This was fun riding, sliding our way down the grass out of the
deer farm. Now we just had the long 39km stretch of flat, with a few sharp
pinches on a rail trail like track to go. It was here that the sleep monsters
well and truly kicked in for Karina. After a few no-doz she didn’t seem to be
waking up at all. She said she felt like a zombie on a bike, but her legs actually felt ok
so kept pushing just hoping that she wouldn’t fall asleep. This part of the
ride seemed to go forever. The view of Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu as we came into
transition was amazing, but she was in no state to appreciate it.
On approaching the transition, she had been promised a sleep by the
boys. We had been on our bikes for 22hrs at a very fast pace
and she was officially smashed. She curled up in a ball, sleeping within 1
min of arriving at this transition. It was here she could hear officials talking
around her and about her, talking about keeping an eye on her, is she ok? "I
really wanted to acknowledge them but I no energy left for that" she said later. After a 2 hour
sleep and then some much needed food that the boys made me, we moved onto the
kayak leg. Karina was still in a bad way after the bike leg and her energy levels
were very low. She couldn’t really think straight but soldiered on hoping that she
would kick back in gear once on the water.
Once kayaking, the boys helped her along by going at a very
conservative pace, to try and get her back to normal. We found the couple of checkpoints
on the way and Karina eventually woke up and started feeling better. Gus
rated her at a generous 50% efficient on this leg, as even when she did wake up, she was still
lacking with energy levels. Along this leg we had a few cheers from Bruce, who
had hired himself a car and drove past us while we were kayaking to Kingston at the southern end of Lake Wakatipu. The conditions
went from dead flat, to a side wind, then some downwind paddling and back to
flat on sunset. It is amazing how weather conditions change in NZ. Makes Melbourne weather look stable!
Arriving at this transition there were mixed feelings. Gus and Karina had considered this was our new
finish line, as when Bruce had pulled out, our team plan was to do the mtb and
kayak and then pull out. But Paul had enjoyed the last two stages and was still
keen to keep going to the end. At this time Karina's energy was low and the fact that we had already
stopped for so long and had a new game plan that we had just accomplished was
fresh in her mind. If we were to continue, we had a compulsory 6hr stop here. As
a team we decided to go with the plan, pull out here and head back to Lake Wanaka
with Bruce.
Our GODZone Adventure wasn’t exactly what we had imagined. Although we did have an epic journey and went to some amazing places we won't ever forget, we had come expecting it to end differently and as a minimum to complete the whole course together. We've been doing this long enough to know nothing is guaranteed though in this sport. There were plenty of highs and lows and once again we all learnt so much about ourselves and each other on this team journey. One of the hot topics after the race was just how tough many of the New Zealand teams were and how fast they moved on the trekking stages, across very uneven ground. We really needed more specific training moving up, down and around in the cold, wet and tussock filled Alpine region, to help us be ready for the length of the climbs, the altitude, the freezing conditions and the exposure of being on top of a mountain with no where to hide.
Two valuable lessons we also learnt were not race related. In future we will make sure we travel WITH all our gear. We wasted a lot of nervous energy with the dramas we had would have had much greater control over getting our gear at the airport. We will also NOT wear our Dynamite T-shirts through customs. We were called in for two explosives searches in a row on our way through with some rather serious looking officers!
Thanks to Hydralyte, Kwik Kopy Braeside, Resicon and Microimage for the support to help us get there. Especially big thanks goes to our families who continue to support us each time we embark on these adventures even though they know it means we'll be away for extended periods training and racing.
Two valuable lessons we also learnt were not race related. In future we will make sure we travel WITH all our gear. We wasted a lot of nervous energy with the dramas we had would have had much greater control over getting our gear at the airport. We will also NOT wear our Dynamite T-shirts through customs. We were called in for two explosives searches in a row on our way through with some rather serious looking officers!